a film by Dan Dobi

When a couple having an affair with one another decides to pursue their relationship to the next level, breaking up with their partners poses to be harder than expected.
Directors Statement
Why did I make this film? I was tired of waiting, tired of making content for brands, artists, products. Tired of waiting to get “noticed” that I should be making films full time… I finally stopped taking gigs, wrote this short, sent it to my Producer Bradley Rettele and said “Please trust me — We need to make this.”
We set a date and hit the ground running. We shot this entire film in two days with the hopes to shoot this for less than 8k… which eventually turned into 20k. I personally self funded this project, I didn’t want to be influenced by someone else making the calls or making subtle tweaks to the story or edit… I wanted this to be mine.
I wanted to make something that was unconventional; something that started out as one genre then transformed into something completely different at the end. I wanted to take the audience through a roller coaster of emotions, and land on a big question mark at the end.
Through the blood sweat and tears that was put into making this film with a skeleton crew of people that believed in the message and worked their asses off, I think investing in this film and the future of what I personally want to do with my life and career, absolutely paid off.